Puzzlehead Now iPhone-Ready

I’ve added a gadget to the blog that detects if you’re reading this from an iPhone and reformats it accordingly.

Unfortunately, I have no such device … if someone with an iPhone or an iPod Touch or Droid or some other such mobile gizmo wouldn’t mind using it to visit this site and let me know if it works, I’d appreciate it.

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Who I Am ePeterso2I’m Eric Peterson, and my email address is epeterso2@puzzlehead.org. I’m a software engineer who lives in a suburb of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I’ve enjoyed solving puzzles for years, and a few years ago I began constructing puzzles of my own. If you’re ever in Broward County and would like to get together some time, please send me a note by email and let me know. I love the opportunity to meet with other puzzleheads, especially if it involves lunch. Puzzle Testing I believe that the best way to make a puzzle even better is to ask someone else to solve it. You learn so much about how people think, how people approach your puzzle, pitfalls they may encounter, and outright errors in your construction by having someone else try it before you unleash it upon the world. If you’re a puzzle constructor, I would be honored to test your puzzle for you. Send me email with your puzzle or a link to it, and I’ll try solving it, as long as I have time available to do so. I’m a busy guy, so my time is limited … but I’m always open to a challenge. My Public Profiles * My Linked In profile * My Geocaching.com profile * My FloridaCaching.com profile Puzzles I’ve Written * Geocaching puzzles Puzzles I’ve Solved * Geocaching puzzles (solved and found) What Happened to ePeterso1? ePeterso1 was a horrible experiment gone wrong that had to be hunted down and killed before he claimed the lives of any more innocent victims. Most of the bugs that caused ePeterso1 to go haywire have been corectted in ePeterso2.

3 thoughts on “Puzzlehead Now iPhone-Ready”

  1. Hi, eP! Commenting on this from my iPod Touch through the mobile interface right now. Seems fine for reading and commenting on posts. It does look like I’d need to switch to regular view to access some of the other resources on the site.

    [WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.

  2. Hi, eP! I’m attempting to comment from my iPod Touch through the mobile theme. Doesn’t look as if my previous attempt posted, but that could have been the result of someThing trying to climb on me while I was tapping… Anyway, the mobile Theme was very readable.

    [WORDPRESS HASHCASH] The poster sent us ‘0 which is not a hashcash value.

  3. Testing… Tried to comment through the mobile interface earlier and don’t see that comment, so am trying from Safari on my iPod Touch.

    Say, I’m still trying to pick out a crossword app for this thing. Does anyone have any recommendations?

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