Today I have a few questions for you, Gentle Reader:
1. Are you really a puzzlehead?
2. Do you have £200?
3. Do you want to win £10,000?
If you answered “yes” to all of these questions, then the ISIS Platinum Pyramid Challenge is for you!
What is ISIS?
The ISIS puzzle was first made available to the public on July 7, 2006. ISIS is a spherical puzzle box made of precision-engineered anodized aluminum. The individual components of the puzzle box can be rotated or pressed.
The ISIS is not only beautiful (comes in many colors, even a custom patriotic USA theme) but also maddening – the solution to each one is unique (although the mechanism for obtaining the solution is common to all).
Unlocking the box reveals unique codes that can be redeemed for prizes (such as gold or silver coins) or to reveal further clues.
In 2008, the RAMISIS (or ISIS 2) puzzle was released. Instead of a sphere, RAMISIS is a pyramid with rotating layers – but the goal is similar. Find the right sequence for manipulating the device in order to access the codes inside.
What is the Platinum Pyramid Challenge?
On September 25, 2006, the Platinum Pyramid Challenge was announced. Solve all five ISIS puzzles, find the Platinum Pyramid, and win £10,000.
Good luck with this one, fellow puzzleheads!