Herald Hunt

In October each year, the Miami Herald hosts an all day “Herald Hunt” (formerly the Tropic Hunt) made up of various brain teasers. The hunt is usually held in Miami, but has been hosted in other local cities (such as Coral Gables, Coconut Grove and Hollywood). It was originally designed and is hosted by Miami Herald columnist Dave Barry.

The hunt begins with an easy opening question. After that, you have to find and solve the five hunt puzzles. The answers will give you clues to the final puzzle (or endgame). At 3PM, the final (and most difficult) puzzle is revealed. Using the clues you have obtained throughout the day, you must solve the puzzle and accomplish a task. This can be a telephone number or a certain place you must go to do something.

You can look at last year’s results here:

There is an archive of past hunts here:

There is also a geocache (GCCA54) set up as a tribute to the hunt.

If anyone is interested in setting up a team for this year’s hunt, I think it would be fun!!

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Who I Am ePeterso2I’m Eric Peterson, and my email address is epeterso2@puzzlehead.org. I’m a software engineer who lives in a suburb of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I’ve enjoyed solving puzzles for years, and a few years ago I began constructing puzzles of my own. If you’re ever in Broward County and would like to get together some time, please send me a note by email and let me know. I love the opportunity to meet with other puzzleheads, especially if it involves lunch. Puzzle Testing I believe that the best way to make a puzzle even better is to ask someone else to solve it. You learn so much about how people think, how people approach your puzzle, pitfalls they may encounter, and outright errors in your construction by having someone else try it before you unleash it upon the world. If you’re a puzzle constructor, I would be honored to test your puzzle for you. Send me email with your puzzle or a link to it, and I’ll try solving it, as long as I have time available to do so. I’m a busy guy, so my time is limited … but I’m always open to a challenge. My Public Profiles * My Linked In profile * My Geocaching.com profile * My FloridaCaching.com profile Puzzles I’ve Written * Geocaching puzzles Puzzles I’ve Solved * Geocaching puzzles (solved and found) What Happened to ePeterso1? ePeterso1 was a horrible experiment gone wrong that had to be hunted down and killed before he claimed the lives of any more innocent victims. Most of the bugs that caused ePeterso1 to go haywire have been corectted in ePeterso2.

6 thoughts on “Herald Hunt”

  1. I’ve seen that for years in The Herald and always thought it would be fun. I looked for a date for this year’s hunt, but it does not seem to have been announced yet.

  2. The Washington Post is doing [url=http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/artsandliving/magazine/features/2009/post-hunt/index.html?hpid=topnews]something similar[/url] today (Sun 17 May).

  3. Calling all Puzzle Enthusiasts!

    Martha is looking for YOU to join other puzzle enthusiasts in our live studio audience for this exciting puzzle themed show that will take place in February. The entire audience will be filled with puzzle aficionados… whether it’s jigsaw, crossword, Sudoku, kenKen or many others- come join in on this hour-long fun!

    Visit our ticket page NOW, to request your FREE tickets http://www.marthastewart.com/get-tickets. Invites will be sent out first-come-first-serve so place your requests by next Friday (2/4). MARTHA tapes in NYC-this show is scheduled for February 22, 2011. We hope to hear from you!

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