I write trivia, word games and other puzzles for game shows, books, websites and magazines. While you’re here, solve some puzzles, read my bio and feel free to get in touch.
— Shawn Kennedy
If you like puzzles and but don’t like paying for them, look no further than to Puzzlement, a new web site by Shawn Kennedy that offers free daily and weekly puzzles.
Shawn Kennedy has written trivia and word games for six game shows. Each year, he invents puzzles for the Google U.S. Puzzle Championship and is a judge at the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament. For three summers, he helped Will Shortz edit the New York Times crossword. As a longtime contributor to Games and World of Puzzles magazines, Kennedy writes all types of teasers from word games and logic puzzles to 10-page puzzle mysteries. He has written games for CBS, ABC, National Public Radio, boxed calendars, newspaper syndicates and various websites. His books include Funny Cryptograms, Sip & Solve Word Hunts, Sexy Cryptograms, USA Today Sit & Solve Word Searches, Scratch & Play Mystery Word Puzzles, Cluesome, and Japanese-style logic puzzles for The Giant Book of Sudoku Presented by Will Shortz.